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Find new hits this week
We help you discover new starting points for your target fast!
Libraries are pre-plated in 96 well format and shipped as dry film. Just add solvent and start screening!
Compounds are pre-tested for solubility and soluble in DMSO or water at 200mM and aqueous to 1mM
Single use express screening plates are available in 384 well format and pre-plated for crystallographic screening

Discovery Product Line
Optimal collection for your fragment-based lead discovery program
Divided into four library collections with unique properties
Proven to yield hits for a wide variety of target classes including protein-protein interactions
Express Product Line
For a small initial investment validate your target, assay and find early hits
Pre-formatted in 384 well and crystallization plates with enough compound for one screen
Resupply of solid compound available from Zenobia
What our customers are saying...
"I liked it because the compounds were already weighed out and screened for solubility, which saved me a lot of time."
"I've gotten my highest quality hits so far using these screens."
"It's nice because it's a focused collection that still gave us a wide variety of hits."
"I felt like I could trust Zenobia because they use these screens to gather their own internal data too."
Select Research Institutes that have purchased our products

Academic and quantity discounts available.
Contact us if you are working on COVID-19.
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